So then i said :

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Monday 22 April 2013

iPods: The very bad, Bad parts...

Now now, don't judge the entire post just because of it's title... i am certainly a fan of the iPod. I'm sure there isn't a sane, educated person out there whom is not a fan of the invention, but there are definitely drawbacks that suck a lot. Like singing along in public or getting electrocuted because of your semi-addiction to caffeine...

One fine example is how i showed off the verbosity of my bowels... I was in Star Buck’s one morning and having had baked beans on toast for the previous night's lazy dinner I found myself desperately needing to let go ( fart ). The music was really loud so I timed it with the beat of the music.
After a couple of songs I started to feel better...

I finished my coffee and noticed that everyone was staring at me...............????
Then it struck me...........
I was listening to my iPod
Needless to say, I don't go to that Starbucks anymore...

I never seem to get the multitasking thing quite right either...
I was talking to a friend in the park, the inane blaring of someone's back seat sub-woofer so loud that struggled to consentrate n the conversation!
As whiped my whead around and yelled at the maniac"turn down your fucking music!"
I then realized I had my ipod headphones in thanks to the wire catching around my neck
There were blank stares from every other person in the park (except for a grey french poodle looking utterly content while lifting his leg against a homeless man's newspaper-blankets)

The electrocution due to coffee was a load of crap...don't know when or how i came up with that, but hey it got your attention! ...And i also had to stick it in to make sure you don't consider ts post entirely true, because obviously i do not fart in public...

or do anything remotely embarrassing... EVER!!!!

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